Our AI finds the best talents with more agility and assertiveness for your company.

Get to the right talent faster. We are Smart Recruiting!

We combine State-of-the-art Technologies, Human Touch & Communities. All in one place. We are Cross-Border, Cross-Age, Cross-Gender and Cross-Culture. 

Como fazemos
Como fazemos

Find, train and hire tech talents without borders.


Specialized knowledge

Reduce costs, increase efficiency and improve the quality of services provided. Focus on your core activities and leave the rest to us.

Como fazemos


Assertiveness and agility

We specialize in recruitment and selection. We search for professionals with specific profiles to meet your needs.

Como fazemos


Invest in development

Training programs aimed at expanding knowledge, skills, and competencies of employees.

Como fazemos
Count on our recruitment team to find the best talents in the market. Get in touch now and start a successful partnership.

What people say about us

Muito além

More than just AI. We add human touch.

  • We activate networks and communities
  • We validate information
  • We get to know the IT professional more deeply
  • We understand their motivations and life project
  • We match qualification to the requirements
  • We create bonds!